
Scuba Diving in Brunei at Dolphin Wreck (2024)

Go on an underwater adventure in Brunei’s oceanic treasures; the Dolphin Wreck is a captivating chapter in the scuba diver’s narrative. Nestled off the coast of this Southeast Asian gem, the Dolphin Wreck beckons with a mysterious allure. As the saltwater veil unveils the remnants of this sunken vessel, divers are transported to a submerged realm where history and marine life converge in a mesmerizing dance. The Dolphin Wreck, scuba diving in Brunei, is a submerged canvas waiting to be explored by those seeking the thrill of the depths and a glimpse into the past beneath the waves.

As part of my annual birthday travel last year, I ventured to the tiny Southeast Asian nation of Brunei. During my research on the country’s myriad activities, I discovered that Brunei is renowned for its collection of shipwrecks—up to 30 of them.

One of the most awe-inspiring experiences in Brunei is scuba diving at these submerged vessels. The underwater landscapes created by these wrecks are genuinely magnificent, particularly for seasoned divers. While many of these sites cater to advanced divers, there are also options for those with open-water certifications. A notable wreck that falls into the latter category is the Dolphin Wreck.

PIN for later reference – Scuba Diving in Brunei at Dolphin Wreck

Scuba diving in Brunei (Dolphin Wreck)
PIN for later reference – Scuba Diving in Brunei at Dolphin Wreck

Scuba Diving in Brunei

Brunei, a tiny Southeast Asian nation, unveils a hidden gem for scuba diving enthusiasts beneath its azure waters—the Dolphin Wreck. As part of my recent explorations, I delved into the underwater allure of Brunei, discovering a maritime haven for adventure seekers. Home to approximately 30 shipwrecks, Brunei’s underwater landscape is a playground for divers, and the Dolphin Wreck stands out as a captivating site.

Submerged off the Bruneian coast, the Dolphin Wreck tells a tale of nautical history while providing an exhilarating playground for experienced divers. This underwater marvel offers a rare fusion of marine life and maritime heritage. Though many of Brunei’s wreck sites cater to advanced divers, the Dolphin Wreck extends its embrace to open-water divers, ensuring that enthusiasts of varying skill levels can partake in its exploration. From the eerie beauty of the sunken vessel to the vibrant marine ecosystem that has made it a home, scuba diving at the Dolphin Wreck in Brunei promises an unforgettable journey into the depths of history and the ocean’s wonders.

About Dolphin Wreck

The Dolphin Wreck, known as the sunken Dolphin88, met its watery fate 5 to 6 years ago. Laden with stones, the ship succumbed to the weight, ultimately breaking apart and plunging into the depths. In response, the government intervened, severing and removing the compromised front section, leaving the stern gracefully descending into the underwater realm. This remaining portion of the ship now beckons divers to explore its steady and robust structure, free from any inherent dangers.

Remarkably, all 11 individuals aboard the Dolphin88 were successfully rescued, ensuring that no lives were lost after the ship’s sinking. This recent maritime relic offers a fascinating glimpse into the recent past. It is a testament to the safety measures taken to salvage lives and create an intriguing underwater haven for divers.

Optimal diving conditions at the Dolphin Wreck are in the early morning when the temperature is more relaxed and the experience is more pleasant. Expect heightened humidity later in the day, and as the day unfolds, the water temperature tends to rise, creating a warmer diving environment.

How to Get to the Dive Centre?

  • By Road – The most efficient and relatively swift means of reaching the dive center is by taxi or personal vehicle. Although this mode of transportation may incur additional costs, it proves to be the quickest route. Upon arrival at the dive center, after completing the necessary paperwork, the dive staff guides you to the bay where the boat awaits to transport you to your diving destination.

Scuba Diving at The Dolphin Wreck Details

Open-water scuba divers can explore solely the upper two decks of the shipwreck, with the descent beginning at 15 meters and extending to 22-24 meters. Adhering to the depth limit of 18 meters, I conducted my dive at a depth of 15 meters for 35 minutes. Despite being only my second shipwreck dive, it is undoubtedly the most remarkable one.

Scuba diving in Dolphin Wreck (Brunei)
The dots and noise in the picture are all the fishes swimming around

Dive Statistics

  • Type of dive: Boat dive
  • Dive site: shipwreck (Dolphin wreck)
  • Depth: 15 to 22 metres
  • Visibility: Around 10 to 15 metres
  • Ideal for advanced scuba divers. However, open-water divers can dive at this site.
  • Wet suit: Despite the pleasantly warm water temperature, it is recommended to don a wet suit while diving due to the presence of numerous ocean bugs that can deliver quite a painful bite.

Dive Centre

Diving centers in Brunei are scarce, and my diving experience with ‘Oceanic Quest’ was exceptional. Owned by Steven, the dive center proved to be a fantastic choice. The staff, characterized by their friendliness and relaxed demeanor, contributed to the fantastic experience. Steven, the owner, is genuinely pleasant, adding a personal touch to the diving venture. I highly recommend ‘Oceanic Quest’ to fellow divers seeking an outstanding diving experience in Brunei.

Picture with Steven, the diving centre owner
With the dive center ‘Oceanic Quest’ owner Steven and his dog

My diving instructor, Roger, proved to be exceptionally brilliant. His friendly and accommodating demeanor allowed divers to explore the site at their own pace without imposing any constraints. Despite granting us autonomy, Roger maintained a vigilant watch over everyone throughout the dive. Without a doubt, I can affirm that Roger stands out as one of the best instructors I have had the pleasure of learning from to date.

Picture with my instructor Roger
My diving instructor, Roger

Scuba Diving Provider Details

Below are the details of the provider:

  • Provider name: Oceanic Quest
  • Cost: Brunei $ 100 + $40 (the recent up-to-date information can be found on their website). The cost includes transportation between the dive centre and the bay where the boat picked us.
  • Contact details:
    • PADI 5 Star Centre (S 22803)
    • Oceanic Quest Travel and Tour Company
    • No. 6 and 6A, Simpang 46, Jalan Perusahaan,
    • Serasa, Muara BT 1928,
    • Negara Brunei Darussalam Tel/Fax +673 2771190
    • Mobile +673 8933110

Marine life in Brunei

Sh shipwrecks are magnets for diverse marine life, and the Dolphin Wreck is no exception. The underwater world surrounding this wreck is a spectacle of absolute amazement. During my dive, myriad fishes adorned the site in a dazzling array of colors. While the site is particularly renowned for its suitability for macro photography, my instructor, Roger, shared tales of encountering larger marine species such as cuttlefishes and octopuses.

The abundance of fish at the wreck created a captivating underwater scene, albeit with some challenges for photography due to the bustling marine activity. Schools of fishes gracefully moved through the water, contributing to a lively and vibrant underwater ambiance. If you revel in witnessing such bustling underwater life, the Dolphin Wreck is undoubtedly an ideal destination. The sheer multitude of fish was a spectacle that left me thoroughly enchanted.

Is Brunei Safe for Solo Female Divers?

Absolutely, without a doubt. My diving instructor, Roger, proved exceptionally skilled, and I thoroughly enjoyed the diving experience under his guidance. The rest of the diving staff were equally professional, contributing to a pleasant diving venture in Brunei. Consequently, I wholeheartedly recommend Oceanic Quest, especially for solo female travelers. The dive center boasts female instructors, enhancing the inclusivity of the experience.

Nevertheless, as with any destination, it’s crucial to trust your instincts and exercise necessary precautions. Before booking a dive with any center, I strongly advise reviewing online feedback to ensure a well-informed decision about your diving experience.

Closing Notes

Scuba diving in Brunei at the Dolphin Wreck was truly enjoyable, and I wholeheartedly recommend including this wreck in the shipwreck bucket list for fellow divers. According to my instructor, Roger, the visibility at the Dolphin Wreck surpasses that of other shipwrecks nearby. While I relish the memories of my dive there, I am eager to explore other renowned wrecks, including the Australia Wreck.

If you have insights into other fascinating diving sites in Brunei, I invite you to share your recommendations. Feel free to send an email to I’m always eager to discover new and exciting underwater adventures!

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Scuba Diving in Brunei at Dolphin Wreck (2024)
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    PIN for later reference – Scuba Diving in Brunei at Dolphin Wreck

    Scuba diving in Brunei (Dolphin Wreck)
    PIN for later reference – Scuba Diving in Brunei at Dolphin Wreck