Sesimbra scuba diving

Scuba Diving in Sesimbra (2024)

Whether you are a seasoned diver or a beginner, Sesimbra offers diving opportunities for all levels. Local dive centers provide professional guidance, equipment rental, and diving excursions tailored to different skill levels. The warm hospitality of the local diving community adds to the overall charm of scuba diving Sesimbra, making it a must-visit destination for underwater enthusiasts exploring the wonders of the Atlantic.

Embarking on a 6-week backpacking journey across Europe, I aimed to incorporate scuba diving experiences into my adventure. During my exploration of potential dive locations, Sesimbra caught my attention as a compelling option. The proximity to Lisbon played a significant role in my decision to choose Sesimbra. Following this, I reached out to various diving companies to secure bookings and gather essential details for this thrilling addition to my travel itinerary.

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Scuba Diving at Sesimbra
PIN for later reference – Scuba Diving Sesimbra

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Scuba Diving in Sesimbra

Nestled along the picturesque coast of Portugal, Sesimbra beckons with an enchanting underwater realm awaiting exploration through scuba diving. The crystalline waters of the Atlantic Ocean set a breathtaking stage for diving enthusiasts in search of a distinctive marine adventure.

Descending into the depths of Sesimbra’s coastline, divers encounter a diverse and vibrant marine ecosystem. Rocky formations, caves, and vibrant coral embellish the underwater landscape, providing an alluring habitat for flourishing marine life. Schools of fish gracefully traverse the waters, and encounters with captivating species like sea bream, octopuses, and moray eels are not uncommon.

Among the noteworthy dive sites is the Marine Park, Prof. Luiz Saldanha, celebrated for its biodiversity and commitment to conservation. This underwater sanctuary features cliffs and diverse marine habitats, catering to novice and seasoned divers alike.

Sesimbra boasts submerged shipwrecks for those yearning for an underwater adventure with a historical touch, imparting an intriguing layer to the diving experience. These wrecks serve as portals to maritime history while evolving into artificial reefs that attract a diverse array of marine life.

Scuba Diving in Sesimbra (2024)

Situated just a 40-minute bus ride from Lisbon, Sesimbra is a fishing town renowned for its year-round diving opportunities. However, it’s essential to note that the ocean in Sesimbra maintains a characteristic cold and rough nature. Despite this, the town’s reputation as a prime diving destination remains unwavering.

Scuba Dive Center

I emailed several diving companies, and Dive Club Cipreia was the most economical option that responded promptly. After confirming the dive with them, I was ready to embark on the underwater adventure.

  • Website: Dive Club Cipreia
  • Cost: Expense: The cost for a single dive, including all equipment, was 50 Euros. Please note that the dive center exclusively accepts cash payments.

How to Get to the Scuba Dive Center in Sesimbra?

In the morning in Lisbon, thoughts of canceling the dive crossed my mind due to the rain and fatigue from early wake-ups. Despite these considerations, I pushed myself to proceed with the dive. Following a 9.37 Euros Uber ride, a 40-minute bus journey, and a 30-minute walk, I arrived at the dive center just in the nick of time – precisely a minute before the boat was scheduled to depart for the dive.

Important to note: Hourly buses connecting Lisbon and Sesimbra are priced at 4.5 Euros for a one-way trip. The bus stop in Sesimbra is approximately a 30-minute walk from the dive center. For accurate information regarding bus schedules, it is advisable to inquire at the reception of your hostel or hotel.

Scuba Diving Sesimbra Experience

Arriving just a minute before the scheduled boat departure, the staff swiftly organized my equipment, including two wet suits due to the chilly conditions, fins, mask, and Buoyancy Control Device (BCD).

A brief 2 to 3-minute walk from the shop led me to the boat, where fellow divers patiently awaited. The diving site was approximately a 15 to 20-minute journey from the wharf. The sea conditions were challenging, characterized by rough waters and sizable waves. The boat ride proved less than pleasant, and I recommend considering a seasickness tablet to prevent discomfort and dehydration during the journey.

Scuba Diving in Sesimbra (2024)

Just a few weeks prior, I experienced an anxiety attack during a dive at Rottnest Island, which heightened my apprehension for the upcoming dive. Uncertain I had the confidence to proceed, I grappled with lingering doubts.

Challenges Faced During Scuba Dives

Buoyancy Control Device (BCD) Problem

My dive buddy and instructor, Kien, provided reassuring support throughout the boat ride, displaying kindness and understanding. Upon reaching the dive site, Kien entered the water first. When it came time for my descent, I inflated my BCD slightly and took a decisive step off the boat, plunging into the water with a splash. However, the initial moments were disorienting—I sank, buffeted by the waves, and struggled to comprehend the situation. It became evident that there was an issue with my BCD.

Buy a Buoyancy Control Device on Amazon

Kien persistently attempted to address the problem, successfully inflating the BCD multiple times, only to deflate seconds later. After several unsuccessful tries, he promptly released my weight (6 kilos) to prevent further descent. Additionally, he discovered that the thread attached to the release on my left BCD jacket was entangled between my arm and the jacket, causing the deflation issue. With determination and effort amidst the challenging waves, Kien rectified the problem. However, this unexpected challenge consumed some time at the surface before proceeding with the dive.

Mask Problem

Next, the mask resisted, refusing to cooperate with my attempts to secure it properly. Despite my persistent efforts to tighten the strap, the mask defiantly allowed water to seep in immediately. This created a challenging situation during the descent, inducing panic each time the mask filled with water. After grappling with this issue multiple times, I switched masks with Kien, causing further delays. It became apparent that I had momentarily forgotten one of my crucial skills. However, once we were underwater, the skill resurfaced, and I adeptly demonstrated it.

Check for scuba mask prices on Amazon

With everything finally resolved, Kien and I commenced our descent at a gradual pace. The strong current posed initial difficulties in maintaining stability, but with time, I grew more comfortable beneath the water.

Dive Site

The water exhibited excellent visibility, reaching approximately 12 meters, allowing me to spot other nearby divers. The underwater world revealed a breathtaking display of vibrant marine life. The abundance of colorful corals and fish created a truly magical experience throughout the dive. Regrettably, despite reports from fellow divers sighting a stingray, luck was not on my side, and I missed the opportunity to witness this particular marine marvel.

Scuba Diving in Sesimbra (2024)

Statistics of Dive

  • Dive Type: Boat Dive.
  • Ocean Conditions: Very Rough.
  • Wet Suit: Opting for two or choosing a thicker one would be preferable.
  • Visibility: 12 to 15 meters.
Scuba Diving in Sesimbra (2024)

The highlight of this experience was having Kien, my instructor, by my side consistently. He encouraged me to hold his hand throughout the dive, displaying exceptional care and support. Recognizing my status as a relatively inexperienced diver, Kien exuded great patience and consistently bolstered my confidence. Beyond his diving skills, Kien proved incredibly friendly and approachable, making him an excellent and reassuring dive buddy. Having someone like Kien alongside truly enhanced the overall diving experience.

Scuba Diving in Sesimbra (2024)

He even captured one of my finest underwater photos. I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the underwater caves; they provided an excellent backdrop for capturing breathtaking pictures.

Scuba Diving in Sesimbra (2024)

Closing Notes

I wholeheartedly recommend scuba diving Sesimbra – the effort I put in was truly worth it. An abundance of marine life enriched the underwater experience. Notably, the site is renowned for its variety of small fishes, as I did not come across any larger ones during my dive.

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Scuba Diving in Sesimbra (2024)
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    PIN for later reference – Scuba Diving Sesimbra

    Scuba Diving at Sesimbra
    PIN for later reference – Scuba Diving Sesimbra

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