My mom and me at Chidiya Tapu

3 Reasons Why Moms are Best Travel Buddies (2024)

Finding the perfect travel companion can be a daunting task. The challenge is magnified when, despite being great friends, compatibility on the road eludes you, especially for extended journeys. Throughout my globetrotting escapades spanning 50 countries across seven continents, I’ve embraced various travel companionships – from solo ventures to sharing the path with friends, family, and strangers.

Despite the diverse array of fellow explorers, only a select few, numbering in the single digits, have proven reliable and harmonious travel buddies. Surprisingly, my mother, with whom I share a seemingly polar relationship, stands out as one of the best travel companions I’ve ever had. Our mother-daughter travels have not only bridged the gaps in our dissimilarities but have also enriched our bond.

From embarking on a scenic road trip through Tasmania to celebrating birthdays amidst the vibrant landscapes of Cambodia, our shared adventures have woven a tapestry of unforgettable memories. In this post, I intend to show why your mother could be your ultimate travel confidante – a sentiment I hold dear, particularly on her birthday today. This serves as an expression of gratitude for having an extraordinary mother and a celebration of the remarkable memories we’ve created together on our journeys.

My mom in Tasmania

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3 Reasons Why Moms are Best Travel Buddies

Were you aware that the profound connection between a mother and daughter is referred to as the maternal bond, heralded as the purest form of connection in the world?

If you’re on the lookout for thoughtful gifts to your mother, consider the significance of making her feel cherished, primarily through the lens of travel. Elevate the experience by presenting your mom with a perfect travel gift, embodying the essence of making her moments special.

Because Your Mom Is Your Childhood and Best Friend

Your mother likely stands out as the sole individual who has been steadfast by your side since the day you were born. Beyond being a parent, she assumes the role of your best friend, becoming your very first companion in childhood. Acting as a resilient pillar of strength, she shares in your joys during achievements and provides solace in moments of failure.

There were times when… I didn’t have a lot of friends. But my mom was always my friend. Always. ~Taylor Swift.

In my own life, my mother has consistently been my unwavering support. Regardless of the challenges, she remains a constant presence, a source of immense blessing. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have that singular figure who offers unwavering support by simply being beside me.

Amma and me

Because Your Mom is the Best Personal Photographer

Your mother assumes the role of your personal photographer, ever ready to capture your moments on film. Since your early years, she has diligently amassed a treasure trove of precious memories, never hesitating to snap a picture of you.

Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever.. it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything. ~ Aaron Siskind.

In my own experience, my mother has displayed an exceptional knack for photography. Thanks to her, my childhood is adorned with invaluable visual references. Some of her captured moments have even found their way onto tourism pages, a testament to the quality of her photography. When I embark on travels with my mom, the prospect of obtaining the perfect social media-worthy pictures is a given, requiring no second thought.

Bay of Fires - East Coast of Tasmania
Bay of Fires

Because Your Mom Cares Too Much About You

Your mother stands out as the one who prioritizes your well-being over hers. When you’re unwell, she sacrifices endless nights to care for you, going to great lengths to ensure your comfort during challenging times. Her level of care is unparalleled, making her the ultimate person to rely on, especially during your travels.

A mother’s love is like an everlasting bed of roses, that continues to blossom. A mother’s love bears strength, comfort, healing, and warmth. Her beauty is compared to a sunny day that shines upon each rose petal and inspires hope. ~ Ellen J. Barrier.

In my personal experiences journeying with my mom, there’s no need for reminders about my preferences. She inherently remembers and goes above and beyond to ensure I’m well taken care of, a testament to her boundless love and concern for my happiness and comfort.

My mother and me in Fiji

Closing Notes

Several years back, I made a personal commitment to embark on a journey with my mother to a new destination every year. I’ve earnestly strived to uphold this promise, exploring both international and domestic locales with her. These shared adventures have been enlightening, teaching me valuable lessons about diverse travel styles and reinforcing the significance of finding common ground when journeying with someone close.

Do you also share travel experiences with your mom? Feel free to share by writing to me at

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3 Reasons Why Moms are Best Travel Buddies (2024)
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    PIN for later reference – Reasons Why Moms are Best Travel Buddies

    PIN for later reference - 3 reasons why moms are best travel buddies
    PIN for later reference – Reasons Why Moms are Best Travel Buddies