James Princep ghat in Kolkata

Is Kolkata Worth Visiting? 4 Reasons to Visit the Sleeping City (2024)

Is Kolkata Worth Visiting? Discover the vibrant charm of Kolkata – a city steeped in history, culture, and culinary delights. From its bustling markets and iconic landmarks to its rich artistic heritage, Kolkata offers a unique blend of old-world charm and modern vibrancy. Explore the majestic Victoria Memorial, wander through the narrow lanes of Kumartuli, and savour the flavours of authentic Bengali cuisine. Kolkata is well worth exploring with its captivating blend of tradition and innovation.

Kolkata holds a special place in my heart as one of my most beloved cities in India. With multiple visits under my belt, I find myself continually yearning to return. Whether the fond memories I’ve made or the remarkable individuals I’ve encountered along the way, there’s an undeniable allure to this city that captivates me. In this post, I aim to highlight the top four reasons why Kolkata should undoubtedly earn a spot on your travel itinerary.

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About Kolkata

Once referred to as Calcutta, Kolkata stands proudly as the West Bengal capital of India. With a population ranking as the seventh largest city in the country, Kolkata boasts a rich tapestry of architectural marvels, delectable cuisine, vibrant sports culture, and renowned theatrical performances.

With a history spanning over 350 years, Kolkata remains a captivating blend of tradition and modernity, beckoning visitors from far and wide to explore its dynamic essence.

Is Kolkata Worth Visiting?

Kolkata is worth visiting for its rich cultural heritage, historical significance, delectable cuisine, and vibrant atmosphere. The city’s iconic landmarks, bustling markets, and diverse neighbourhoods offer a unique glimpse into its storied past and dynamic present.

Whether exploring the majestic Victoria Memorial, immersing yourself in the bustling streets of New Market, or savouring the flavours of authentic Bengali cuisine, Kolkata never fails to leave a lasting impression on visitors. With its warm hospitality and lively spirit, Kolkata is a destination that promises an unforgettable experience for travellers of all interests.

Reason 1 – Because of the Iconic Yellow Taxis

In 1907, entrepreneur John Hertz made a groundbreaking decision to venture into the taxi business, aiming to distinguish his fleet from conventional cars. Opting for a bold choice, he selected the colour yellow, thus giving birth to the iconic yellow taxis.

Kolkata, affectionately dubbed the “City of Joy,” is synonymous with its fleet of yellow taxis, predominantly comprised of the legendary Ambassador brand. A quintessential sight on the bustling streets of Kolkata, these yellow taxis add a distinct charm to the cityscape. Embarking on a ride in one of these iconic vehicles is a list of things to do in Kolkata.

Distinguished from any other city in India, where yellow taxis are a rarity, Kolkata’s yellow taxis stand out as both adorable and exclusive to the city. This uniqueness elevates Kolkata to the top of the list of destinations worth visiting, offering travellers an unparalleled glimpse into the city’s character and charm.

Yellow taxi in Kolkata
Yellow taxi

Reason 2 – Because the City Takes You Back in Time

Kolkata evokes nostalgic memories reminiscent of a 1970s film, where time seems to slow down, and life unfolds leisurely. Unlike the fast-paced metropolises of India, Kolkata appears to be frozen in time, retaining its old-world charm amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life.

The city has numerous landmarks and monuments transporting visitors back to a bygone era. From museums nestled within elegant Victorian edifices to restaurants with decades-old legacies, Kolkata seamlessly preserves its rich history and cultural heritage. Strolling through its streets feels like embarking on a journey through time, where every corner unveils a story from the past, lending Kolkata a timeless allure that captivates all who visit.

Victoria Memorial in Kolkata
Victoria Memorial

Reason 3 – Because You can Relish on Bengali Cuisine

No exploration of Kolkata would be complete without delving into its exquisite Bengali cuisine and delectable sweets. A haven for food enthusiasts, the city tantalizes the taste buds with its culinary delights, particularly renowned for its fish delicacies and irresistible sweets.

Indulge in the authentic flavours of Bengali cuisine with a serving of Macher Jhol, a tantalizing fish dish prepared in traditional Bengali style. For a street food adventure, savour the explosive flavours of Puchka, also known as Pani puri, from a local vendor. And no visit to Kolkata would be complete without sampling its iconic sweets, such as the melt-in-your-mouth rasagullas and the crispy jalebis, leaving you craving more with every bite.

Also, Read Kumartuli, Potter’s Town in Kolkata

Reason 4 – Because Many Famous Celebrities Hail from Kolkata

Kolkata stands as the cradle of numerous eminent personalities, including poets, artists, actors, scientists, philosophers, Nobel laureates, and more, earning it the esteemed title of the cultural capital of India.

Among the illustrious figures, Rabindranath Tagore shines as a beacon of literary brilliance. Born in Kolkata in 1861, Tagore left an indelible mark on Bengali literature, reshaping its landscape with his profound works. His unparalleled contributions earned him the distinction of being the first non-European lyricist awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Of his many achievements, Tagore’s compositions hold a special place in the hearts of Indians and Bangladeshis alike. His timeless creations include India’s national anthem, ‘Jana Gana Mana,’ and Bangladesh’s national anthem, ‘Amar Shonar Bangla,’ serving as enduring testaments to his enduring legacy and profound influence on the cultural fabric of both nations.

Bonus Reason 1

Another compelling reason to adore Kolkata is its proximity to many attractions perfect for day trips or weekend getaways. Among the top destinations within reach are stunning beaches that offer rejuvenating escapes from the city hustle. Additionally, a visit to Mayapur, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s birthplace and ISKCON’s inception site, presents a spiritually enriching experience.

For beach enthusiasts, weekends offer the opportunity to explore serene coastal retreats such as Digha, Mandarmani, and Tajpur, each offering unique charm and scenic beauty. These idyllic destinations provide the perfect setting for relaxation and unwinding amidst nature’s splendour.

Alternatively, a day trip to Mayapur promises a deep dive into spiritual heritage and enlightenment. However, given the distance, it’s essential to plan for a long journey to fully immerse oneself in the spiritual aura of this sacred site.

Whether seeking sun-kissed shores or spiritual enlightenment, Kolkata’s accessibility to nearby attractions ensures endless opportunities for enriching experiences and memorable adventures.

Bonus Reason 2

Kolkata’s vibrant art and cultural scene add another layer of allure to the city’s rich tapestry of experiences. Art enthusiasts can revel in the abundance of art galleries and timeless masterpieces adorning various landmarks.

One such iconic artwork is the portrait of Raja Sri Thanjavore Madhava Rao, skillfully crafted by the legendary artist Raja Ravi Varma, housed within the majestic Victoria Memorial. This masterpiece is a testament to Kolkata’s deep-rooted appreciation for art and its historical significance.

Furthermore, Kolkata preserves the essence of traditional Indian culture through captivating artworks like Pattachitra. These intricate paintings, with their rich colours and intricate detailing, offer a glimpse into India’s cultural heritage and artistic prowess, further enriching Kolkata’s cultural landscape.

With its reverence for artistic expression and commitment to preserving cultural heritage, Kolkata continues to inspire and enchant art enthusiasts worldwide, making it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking to immerse themselves in the beauty of art and culture.

Closing Notes

If you remain unconvinced about the allure of Kolkata, I’m not sure what else could sway you. This city stands out in numerous ways, offering many experiences to tourists and travellers alike. With its distinctive charm, rich history, vibrant culture, and myriad attractions, Kolkata promises an unforgettable journey filled with discovery and delight.

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Is Kolkata Worth Visiting? 4 Reasons to Visit the Sleeping City (2024)
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    PIN for later reference – Is Kolkata Worth Visiting?